Nicholas Graf

/Web Engineering
/User Experience
/User Interface Design


Web Engineering

I have been creating internet publications online since 1999 with a focus on clean code and programming excellence. I provide the following Web Engineering services for fundamental website development:

  • Domain Search, Registration & Management
  • Hosting, Hosting Set-Up & Management
  • Website Development & Maintenance
  • Web/Mobile Application Development
  • Google Analytics Setup & Management

User Experience

Behind a well designed website is more than just code, text, images and movies. There is thought and care taken when making decisions that will create an easy and enjoyable experiece when interacting with an interface. User experience design is becoming the focus of effective branding and marketing strategies. I provide the following User Exerience services:

  • UX Audit
  • UX Strategy & Design
  • UX Testing

User Interface Design

Computers and digital devices are everywhere and with them come the need for us to interact. We have found that intellegently designed human interfaces are more successful and more popular. I provide the following User Interface Design services:

  • User Interface Strategy & Design
  • Website Layout Design
  • Administration Panel Design
  • Web/Mobile Application Interface Design
  • Icon Set Design
  • Custom Animation and Interactive Modules

Corporate Projects

Private Clients

Associate Agencies

Personal Projects

