Nicholas Graf

Consulting / Strategy / Engineering

/ Consulting

Since 1999 I have been developing internet solutions, designing internal systems and planning marketing strategies for some of the largest and smallest companies in the world. Regardless of size, clients need reliable and honest feedback coupled with clear and solid strategies before moving forward with development. From framework and branding to internal relationships and values, I support companies making decisions and appropriating resources to turn visions into realities.

/ Strategy

When creating and designing a new product/service or revamping an old one for the modern customer, companies need to make attainable goals that balance their assets with needed requirements and the realities of the end-user. From start-ups to century old businesses I help make structural and evolutionary game plans about realistic goals that orient teams in the right direction while supporting the bottom line.

/ Engineering

Ready to start building a solution with a focus on clean code, programming excellence and within a deadline? I can provide the following web engineering services for projects of all sizes:

  • Domain Search, Registration & Management
  • Hosting, Hosting Set-Up & Management
  • Website Development & Maintenance
  • Web Application Development & Maintenance
  • CMS Design & Development

/ Corporate Projects

/ Private Clients

/ Associate Agencies

/ Personal Projects

/ Projects older than 5 years are not listed.

/ Contact

/ Los Angeles, California USA
/ Zurich, Switzerland
/ Tokyo, Japan
/ Manila, Philippines
